VX-3000, IP-3000 and NX-300 Now EN 50121-4 Certified

We are pleased to announce that TOA's VX-3000 Series, IP-3000 Series and NX-300 got certified with EN 50121-4 (IEC62236-4), the electromagnetic standards which applies to a signaling and telecommunication apparatus installed in railway environment. Those systems can now be utilized in railway applications where EN 50121-4 is required.
EN 50121-4 specifies limits for emission and immunity and provides performance criteria for signalling and telecommunications apparatus which may interfere with other apparatus in the railway environment, or increase the total emissions for the railway environment beyond the limits defined in the appropriate standard and so risk causing electromagnetic interference to apparatus outside the railway system.
About certified products.
The VX-3000 is a highly integrated scalable Public Address and Voice Evacuation System that is fully EN 54-certified. Due to its network-based architecture, it can be easily scaled to up to a maximum of 2560 speaker lines and 1280 remote microphones.
The IP-3000 Series is a complete digital audio management system for high fidelity sound broadcasting over a standard IP network. It provides standard high quality audio transmission thanks to TOA original packet audio technology.
The NX-300 can convert audio signals to high quality digital signals. Regardless of the geographical distance, the digital signals can be transmitted simultaneously over the IP networks, such as LAN or Internet. The contact closure can operate the distant devices via the network.