Company Data

Company Data

Company Data


Company Name

  TOA Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Established Date   June 8, 2010
Capital   ฿30,000,000.00
Managing Director   Yoshiyuki Hirota
Office   159/24 Serm-Mit Tower, 15th Floor, Room 1502, North Klongtoey,
  Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Major Business
  • Sales of public address and broadcasting equipment, communication equipment and other information transmission equipment.
  • Sales of audio and visual equipment and other electrical and electronics devices
Major Activities Sound Segment
Classification  Major Products
Public Address Systems Microphones, Amplifiers, Speakers, Megaphones, Background Music Facilities, Emergency PA and General-purpose PA Systems, Automatic Announcement Systems, Conference Systems
Professional Sound Systems Theater/Hall Sound Systems, Digital Mixing Systems, Stage Sound Systems
Communication Systems Intercom Systems, Telephone Application Systems, Wireless Microphone Systems
Major Markets Office Buildings, Airports, Railway Stations, Underground Railways, Halls, Schools, Department Stores, Athletic Stadiums and Gymnasiums, Hospitals, Guest Houses and Hotels, Function Rooms, Theaters and Cinemas, Convention Centres, Amusement Parks, Restaurants, Discotheques, etc. 


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